Latest News from Down To Earth
All you need is an eye
Gauging a river’s health need not be complex. Taxonomists can make the job very simple. These biologists, who have specialised in the classification of organisms, can determine a river’s health with the unaided eye by simply studying the organisms present.
Kali Nadi is poisoned
A Committee of Parliament visited the slaughterhouse in Meerut on June 10 to enquire if it was polluting the Kali Nadi river that flows through the city. A seasonal river that once provided irrigation and drinking water to 44 villages in Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh, Kali Nadi has turned poisonous. The slaughterhouse waste is only a part of the problem.
Government Policies and Action Plans
The Orissa Ground Water (Regulation, Development and Management) Bill, 2011
A bill to regulate the development and management of ground water and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This Act may be called the Orissa Ground Water (Regulation, Development and Management) Act, 2011.
Model bill for the Protection, Conservation, Management and Regulation of Groundwater, 2011
Mandatory permits and a cess on groundwater use to irrigate cash crops, run industry or for mining are among the measures proposed by the Government in a draft Bill that aims at conserving groundwater. The Model Bill for the Protection, Conservation, Management and Regulation of Groundwater — which was discussed at a consultative meeting by the Planning Commission with experts and civil society members — proposes to strengthen the regulatory powers of gram sabhas, panchayats and municipal bodies, set up groundwater sanctuaries and impose stiff penalties for misuse.
River Pollution
Groundwater Pollution
Enviornment Education
People in Indore and the adjoining Pithampur industrial area in Madhya Pradesh are protesting the incineration of Bhopal’s toxic waste near their homes. The waste disposal facility in Pithampur in Dhar district was completed recently. On March 18, the Madhya Pradesh state pollution control board allowed Ramky Enviro, the private company operating the facility, to start trial runs.