Protecting health: the global challenge for capitalism
The quest to secure economic growth, after a financial crisis that raised serious questions about capitalism's ability to protect and sustain the wellbeing of populations in rich and poor countries alike, is the overriding political priority for many governments today. And those prospects for growth seem good. The World Bank reported in January, 2014, that “advanced economies are turning the corner” and that “developing countries [will] regain strength after two weak years”.1 Specifically, global growth is expected to be 3·2% in 2014, rising to 3·5% by 2016. In high-income countries, growth is predicted to be 2·2% in 2014, rising to 2·4% in 2016. And for developing countries, the expectations are little short of spectacular: projected growth of 5·3% in 2014, rising to 5·7% in 2016. By 2015 it is projected that sub-Saharan Africa will host seven of the world's fastest growing economies. The World Bank concludes that the world is “finally emerging from the global financial crisis”.