Soil atlas 2015: facts and figures about earth, land and fields
Soil atlas 2015: facts and figures about earth, land and fields
2015 is the International Year of Soils. This Soil Atlas shows what can succeed and why the soil should concern us all.
The report, co-published with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam and Le Monde Diplomatique, draws on facts and figures on the significance and the state of land, soil and agriculture around the world, and makes the increasing scarcity of land and soil tangible. The editors of the Soil Atlas 2015 would like to demonstrate in the UN Year of Soils, why the protection of soil is important to us all, and how to achieve more effective soil protection. A more just and sustainable land and soil policy is worthwhile. At an everyday level, citizens can make a contribution by considering soil protection and land use in their day to day purchases.