The purpose of this report is to provide the technical background of processes of renewable hydrogen production and its applications in key sectors and discusses factors which will determine the costs reductions for the commercialisation of renewable hydrogen to reach economies of scale.
The European Union is one of the world’s biggest markets for pesticides with almost a quarter of all pesticides sold in the EU. It is also the top exporting region, increasingly selling to countries of the Global South to which pesticides that are banned in the EU can still be exported.
This report highlights the scope and functions of a dozen tree laws implemented in different states in India. The implementation of these laws has come to public focus in recent years due to the growing number of cases of large-scale tree felling in Indian cities.
A recent report has revealed that around 20 dairy companies are responsible for more greenhouse emissions than Germany, Britain, or France. The livestock companies are earning billions of dollars in this operation.
Sustainable transport and mobility are key to tackle the climate crisis and to achieve the targets of the European Green Deal. However, transport today accounts for nearly 30 percent of the CO₂ emissions within the European Union.
China’s emissions pathway during the coming decades is probably the single biggest factor in determining the achievability of the climate targets agreed in Paris. This fact is due to the still growing size of the Chinese economy and its carbon intensity, based on its reliance on coal to fuel the power system.
South Africa’s economy, which was already in a precarious state before Covid-2019, has been tipped into full blown crisis by the pandemic. Gross na-tional government debt is expected to be upwards of 86% within two years.
Low-income countries (LICs) are suffering from triple distresses: the mortal impact of Covid-19, increasing debt burdens, and climate change impacts. Obviously, they are all suffering from a liquidity crunch because of competing national priorities.
The Debt-for-Climate Initiative (DCI) is an effort to provide comprehensive debt relief for eligible countries to generate fiscal space for climate action. The DCI aims at achieving maximum creditor and debtor participation. The DCI consists of three pillars.
How should policymakers respond to the reality and future prospect of vast populations being displaced and relocated in an era of global heating? With climate change looming, anxiety over immigration from the Global South is increasingly fuelled by apocalyptic fears of ecological breakdown.