Diversity of food composition and nutritive analysis of edible wild plants in a multi-ethnic tribal land, Northeast India: an important facet for food supply
Diversity of food composition and nutritive analysis of edible wild plants in a multi-ethnic tribal land, Northeast India: an important facet for food supply
In view of increasing threat of climate change, extreme whether conditions, and recent financial crisis there has been a concern for augmenting agriculture and food supply to growing population, particularly to the rural areas. Fortunately the communities living near biodiversity rich areas depend on wide variety of plant resources for their survival; selected species have high potential for food supply in near future. In this study, we investigated a multi-ethnic area in North east India, a global hotspot, where communities show high dependence on wild plant resources for their sustenance. We addressed the issues of diversity of food plants being collected from wild habitats and their prospect as new food items, broad nutritive values of selected edible wild plants, and suggested some guiding policy concerns for management of these valuable resources.