Regional assessment on ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and biodiversity in Asia
Regional assessment on ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and biodiversity in Asia
This regional assessment documents experiences on ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) and its linkages with biodiversity in Asia. It highlights opportunities to catalyse actions for Eco-DRR that embraces the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems. This report supports the implementation of the Aichi Targets by clearly demonstrating that disaster risk reduction and biodiversity conservation are mutually reinforcing. Well-managed ecosystems act as natural infrastructure reducing physical exposure to common natural hazards. Such natural infrastructure also provides multiple benefits for increasing the socio-economic resilience of people and communities by sustaining local livelihoods and providing essential needs such as food, water and building materials, catering for future needs as well as the urgent current ones. This assessment proposes a conceptual framework to understand not only the vulnerability but also the interactions and the consequent impacts on ecosystems of the region. It shows that inadequate attention in the national DRR agenda is given to biodiversity conservation specific aspects of Eco-DRR, leading to demands for including the new insights in the Asia region.