A policy spotlight on energy efficiency in appliances and lights could see big climate gains
A policy spotlight on energy efficiency in appliances and lights could see big climate gains
As people around the world switch off their lights for “Earth Hour” this weekend, a new analysis shows the world could make huge reductions in global warming by simply adopting the highest existing energy related standards for lighting and appliances. This can be achieved at net zero costs for consumers and with substantial co-benefits to health. The Climate Action Tracker, as part of its decarbonisation series, released its analysis on the emissions reduction potential for lighting and appliances in buildings. If the highest existing minimum energy performance and labelling standards were applied globally, they could save around 4,500 TWh in 2030, the equivalent of closing 1,140 average coal-fired power plants (600 MW). The analysis looks at case studies such as in India where a programme to address the financial barrier of higher LED costs has sold more than 230 million LED bulbs to Indian households since 2014 (the demand has increased by 50 times). This resulted in electricity savings of more than 30 TWh annually and an avoided peak demand of 6,000 MW.