Achieving Uganda’s developmenta ambition: the economic impact of green growth - an agenda for action
Achieving Uganda’s developmenta ambition: the economic impact of green growth - an agenda for action
Green growth in Uganda could increase annual GDP by 10%, or an estimated US$3.4 billion by 2020 and US$11.5 billion by 2040 versus business as usual, according to a new report from the Government of Uganda and the New Climate Economy partnership in Uganda. In its analysis of 23 green growth interventions, the report also finds that they could create 4 million new jobs (gross) by 2040 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) by 28%, enough to exceed the commitments Uganda made under the Paris Agreement. Uganda can build a growth model that delivers economic and social outcomes at the same time as it protects its abundant natural capital and deals with the impacts of climate change. The investment required to unlock the green growth opportunities in this report is US$1.8 billion annually to 2020. Many of these opportunities, or something similar, are already identified in current government planning. $200 million is the estimated requirement for incremental public investment, with an additional $250 million needing to be leveraged from the private sector