Closure of ISROs activities at research station at Antarctica - Question raised in Rajya Sabha, 10/02/2014
Closure of ISROs activities at research station at Antarctica - Question raised in Rajya Sabha, 10/02/2014
Closure of ISROs activities at research station at Antarctica - Question raised in Rajya Sabha, 10/02/2014. Minister For Ministry Of Science And Technology And Ministry Of Earth Sciences, S. Jaipal Reddy has stated in the Parliament that ISRO’s activities at Bharti came to a temporary halt due to the shut-down of the electric power to the satellite ground station at Bharti between 07th and 12th October, 2013. The order to shut-down the power to the satellite ground station was issued by the then Leader of the Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica at Bharti, against specific orders from the National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, the nodal agency responsible for implementing the Indian Antarctic Programme.