Covid-19 and lockdown policies: A structural simulation model of a bottom-up recession in four countries
Covid-19 and lockdown policies: A structural simulation model of a bottom-up recession in four countries
This paper considers different approaches to modelling the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic/lockdown shocks. Review different modelling strategies and argue that, given the nature of the bottom-up recession caused by the pandemic/lockdowns, simulation models of the shocks should be based on a social accounting matrix (SAM) that includes both disaggregated sectoral data and the national accounts in a unified framework. SAM-based models have been widely used to analyze the impact of natural disasters, which are comparable to pandemic/lockdown shocks. The pandemic/lockdown shocks occurred rapidly, in weeks or months, not gradually over a year or more. In such a short period, adjustments through smooth changes in wages, prices and production methods are not plausible. Rather, initial adjustments occur through changes in quantities, altering demand and supply of commodities and employment in affected sectors.