The distribution of powers and responsibilities affecting forests, land use, and REDD+ across levels and sectors in Tanzania
The distribution of powers and responsibilities affecting forests, land use, and REDD+ across levels and sectors in Tanzania
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+) is intrinsically a multilevel process that cuts across different land-use based sector ministries. It builds on existing land-use and management policies and legal frameworks. Issues related to benefit sharing are emphasized under REDD+ mechanisms, but this is not addressed by most of the existing laws. The legislative framework lays more emphasis on issues of compensation when the government revokes land ownership from certain land owners for national development projects. This report is intended to help improve the design of multilevel institutions and processes to overcome economic and policy barriers to REDD+ implementation and other low carbon land-use options. It reviews the powers of key government spheres, especially the relation between local and central governments in forest and related natural resource sectors.