Gender and fossil fuel subsidy reform in India: findings and recommendations
Gender and fossil fuel subsidy reform in India: findings and recommendations
India’s schemes to promote clean cooking are improving energy access for poor women. However, around half of the women surveyed are being left behind because they are not using LPG and continue to cook with biomass says this IISD report. It finds that the current LPG subsidies were inefficient and untargeted and needs to be reviewed.
The report examines the impacts of India’s subsidies to cooking gas—and their reform—from a gender perspective. On average, when cooking with liquified petroleum gas (LPG) rather than biomass, women saved about one hour per day due to reduced cooking and cleaning times. The report recommends reviewing subsidy targeting policies so that more poor households benefit from ongoing LPG subsidies because its findings show current LPG subsidies to be inefficient and untargeted.