Green investment diagnostics for Africa: what are the binding constraints to investment in renewables in Kenya and Ghana?
Green investment diagnostics for Africa: what are the binding constraints to investment in renewables in Kenya and Ghana?
The vast potential of renewable energy is failing to be realised in many African countries, in spite of the many pledges made by donors and international financiers. This is not due to a lack of policies supporting investment. Many African countries have renewable energy targets, feed-in-tariffs (FiT), or import duty exemptions for renewable energy technologies. In some cases these policies are not fully implemented. In others they are implemented but, put in the language of this report, they are not targeting the most binding constraints to investment. Whatever the reason for their lack of success, it is clear that simply introducing formal policies is not enough. This Research Report presents the Green Investment Diagnostics methodology that aims at supporting policymakers to better target policies for the promotion of renewable energy investment.