Hot spots: benchmarking global city competitiveness
Hot spots: benchmarking global city competitiveness
This index of 120 of world's most competitive cities by Economist Intelligence Unit examines many dimensions of cities as new engines of growth & pegs Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai & Kolkata at rank 68, 70, 97, 98, 105 & 106, respectively.
Hot Spots: Benchmarking global city competitiveness, was released by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Hot Spots is the result of a comprehensive study that analyzed the competitiveness of 120 of the world’s major cities. The study evaluated their performance along eight distinct categories, from which it developed an overall Competitiveness Index for each city. The study was commissioned by Citigroup as part of its Citi for Cities initiative. Hot Spots observes that over half of the world’s population now lives in cities, generating over 80% of global GDP. As a result, companies are planning their global business strategies from a city, rather than from a country perspective. The 120 urban centers ranked in Hot Spots have a combined population of about 750 million and collectively account for almost 30 percent of the global economy. They are fiercely competing with each other to attract business investment and top talent that will enable them to grow their economies, create jobs and improve their overall standard of living and quality of life.
See Also
Report: Mapping the economic power of cities.
Report: Asian green city index.
Report: State of the worlds cities.
Report: World urbanization prospects.
Report: State of Asian cities 2010/11.
Report: Competitive cities in the 21st century.
Report: City competitiveness in India.
Report: Liveability index 2010.