Housing conditions in Delhi
Housing conditions in Delhi
This report on "Housing conditions of Delhi" by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics on the basis of survey conducted under 65th National Sample Survey provides vital information on various aspects of housing conditions in the Capital city.
The present report on "Housing Conditions in Delhi" is brought out by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Govt. of NCT of Delhi on the basis of the results of sample survey conducted during NSS 65th Round (July,2008 - June, 2009) in respect of State Sample. The report provides brief details of internal and external housing conditions prevailing in the rural and urban areas of Delhi. Housing conditions include type of structure, type of dwelling, ventilation, bathing, latrine and electricity facilities etc. It also gives an account of the civic amenities at the reach of the families living in the dwellings such as availability of drainage, garbage disposal arrangement, approach road/lane/constructed path etc. In other words survey provides overall position of physical living conditions in Delhi.
See Also
Report: State of environment, Delhi.
Report: Master plan for Delhi.
Feature: Our little understood urban dystopia.
Feature: Slums as self-confrontation.
In-Parliament: Discussion on slums.
Report: Level and pattern of household consumer expenditure in Delhi.
Report: Housing condition in India.
Report: Standing Committee on Urban Development (2008-2009).
Book: How to Clean the Yamuna.