Impact evaluation and socio economic study of Bt cotton: final report

The Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (Crop Division) has commissioned “Impact Evaluation and socio-economic study of Bt cotton” to assess the impact of this Scheme on increase in farmers’ income through adoption of Bt cotton. The approach adopted for this Evaluation study was to analyze both the secondary data as well as primary data collected through interviewing various stakeholders, to arrive at the conclusion for assessment of Impact of adopting Bt-cotton. As per the objective of the study mentioned in the Terms of Reference (ToR), particularly the usefulness to the farmers, nine cotton growing states namely Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan were selected for the evaluation study. Main emphasis in the survey was to find out: The growth trend in Bt-cotton; Main drivers (motivation) for adoption or rejection of Bt. Cotton; Current pest scenario after adoption of Bt-cotton; Cost benefit analysis; Technologies adopted - Bt. Vis-à-vis non Bt. cotton; Bollworms survival; Increase in secondary pests; Biosafety & animal health concerns; Authenticity or otherwise of the concerns raised by NGOs; and Future traits and thrust areas for Bt-cotton research.
