Interim report of the Supreme Court technical expert committee in GMOs PIL
Interim report of the Supreme Court technical expert committee in GMOs PIL
In accordance with the Order of the Honourable Supreme Court of India dated May 10, 2012 on the Writ Petition (Civil) No. 260 of 2005 of Aruna Rodrigues Vs Union of India, a Technical Expert Committee (TEC) was constituted by the Honourable Supreme Court of India. The Honourable Supreme Court of India had also fixed seven Terms of Reference (TOR) for the TEC to examine and submit a report to the Honourable Supreme Court within three months with effect from 12th May 2012. The Honourable Supreme Court had also directed that in the event and for any reasons whatsover, the Committee is unable to submit its final report to the Court within the time stipulated in the Order, the Committee should instead submit its interim report within the same period to the Court on the following issues: "whether there should or should not be any ban, partial or otherwise, upon conducting of open field tests of the GMOs? In the event open field trials are permitted, what protocol should be followed and conditions, if any, that may be imposed by the Court for implementation of open field trials". The present report is an interim report submitted by TEC. The recommendations of this report were arrived at by consensus of all the five members of the TEC.