In this paper, assess the impacts of genetically modified eggplant, Bt brinjal, on economic and health outcomes in Bangladesh using a cluster randomized controlled design. Bt brinjal cultivation reduces the cost of pesticide use by 47 percent.
The Bt brinjal impact evaluation is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the impact of uptake and adoption of the Bt brinjal technology among Bangladeshi farmers, mimicking as much as possible the real-world context of a roll-out.
What India can learn from the Philippines, which set up a Biotech Program Office in 2000 to promote the responsible use of agri-biotechnology to sustain food security.
After it has come to light that brinjal crop in a Fatehabad village is genetically modified, chief secretary DS Dhesi on Tuesday held a meeting of senior officers and decided to form a committee co
Farm activists on Thursday alleged that Bt brinjal, a genetically modified food crop, was being grown and sold illegally in a farm in Haryana and they demanded immediate action against it by the st
Panaji: Goa’s rich brinjal biodiversity faced a threat after a Karnataka-based University proposed trials for evaluating genetically modified Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt brinjal) gene on the highly-
The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests, has decided to seek clarifications from Union Agriculture Minister and also ask the National Institute of Nu