Jharkhand state water policy, 2011

Jharkhand water policy 2011 calls for proper planning, thoughtful utilization & sustainable management of water. It calls for a multidisciplinary and holistic approach that considers water as part of the ecosystem for the benefit of all.


This policy will broadly have a five-pronged strategy : First, the State will adopt a new State Water Policy framework to create the enabling environment for better and more equitable and productive water resources management in an environmentally sustainable manner for promoting growth reduction in poverty and minimizing regional imbalance. Second, the State will restructure the fundamental roles and relationships of the State and the water users. Third, the State will create a new institutional arrangement at the State level and at the river basin level to guide and regulate water resources planning, development; to decentralize the responsibility for water resources planning, development, management, operation and maintenance functions to the river basin and sub-basin level by suitably defining the responsibility and powers of proposed river valley institutions. Fourth, the State will place a high priority on promoting technology to improve efficiency and productivity, expansion of the knowledge base of the sector and the development of human resource capacity and capability. Fifth, the State will formulate appropriate legislation/administrative orders and enabling rules to give effect to the above mentioned strategies in short time.

 See Also

Policy: National water policy.

Report: Every drop counts - learning from good practices in eight Asian cities.

Report: Study on issues related to gap between irrigation potential created and utilized.

Report: Decentralization in Jharkhand.

Report: Drought assessment report - Jharkhand.

Feature: A million opportunities lost.

Feature: Drought hit.

Feature: Water question in Jharkhand - Present law and policy context.
