Investigation and evaluation of chronic kidney disease of uncertain aetiology in Sri Lanka: final report

The report by the WHO titled Investigation and Evaluation of ‘Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Aetiology in Sri Lanka’ prepared for the Ministry of Health, a new form of chronic kidney disease, which cannot be attributed to diabetes mellitus, hypertension, primary glomerular nephritis or other known etiologies has emerged in the North Central region of Sri Lanka. Besides, it highlighted, Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Aetiology (CKDU) being identified as “slowly progressive, probably starting in the second decade of life, and asymptomatic until very advanced.” According to the findings, while the total number of affected individuals with CKDu in Sri Lanka is unknown, hospital statistics suggest over 8,000 people are currently undergoing treatment for this condition. The affected areas were identified as the North Central Region which includes the North Central Province (NCP) and parts of the Eastern, North Western and Uva Provinces.
