Mitigation and remedy of arsenic menace in India: recommendations of the `Core Committee'
Mitigation and remedy of arsenic menace in India: recommendations of the `Core Committee'
The `Core Committee’ constituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India met twice, on 11th July, 2014 at NIH-Roorkee and 26th September, 2014 at CSMRS, New Delhi, and deliberated on issues emerged/emerging out as long-term consequences on uses of arsenic contaminated groundwater for domestic and agricultural sectors and its increasing spatio-temporal vulnerability in different states. Pursuant to the `Terms of Reference (TOR)’ conferred to it, the `Core Committee’ felt that the actions to counter, mitigate, and remediate the groundwater arsenic menace in India and its consequential affects may be on the following aspects: Demand driver R&Ds; Ensuring supply of arsenic safe portal water in arsenic affected areas; Human interface; Social sensitization and capacity building programmes; and Institutional and governance issues.