National level consultation on international REDD plus architecture and its relevance for India

This is the proceedings of National level Consultation on “International REDD Plus Architecture and its relevance for India” held at India Habitat Centre on 14th June, 2012. The major objectives of the workshop are: To understand how various forests related instruments are impacting g the REDD+ both at the National and Global level; To apprise the state forest department officials with respect to the baseline or reference level, MRV, financial mechanism and carbon markets for REDD+ process in the Indian context; To seek views of the various state forest officials on the various domains of REDD+ such as the International, National and the implementation domain for the evolving REDD+ mechanism; and To understand setting up a baseline and develop methodology for the baseline carbon stock assessment, additionality of carbon for India’s forest carbon stock and understanding the available financial mechanism.
