Navigating transport NAMAs: practical handbook for the design and implementation of NAMAs in the transport sector
Navigating transport NAMAs: practical handbook for the design and implementation of NAMAs in the transport sector
TRANSfer Project published a first draft of its Handbook "Navigating Transport NAMAs". The purpose of the handbook is to provide practitioners in the transport sector around the world with practical step-by-step guidance on how to design and implement climate change mitigation actions in this complex sector. The final handbook will consist of a generic part with general information on transport NAMAs and a number of case studies which will be based on practical experiences from partner countries. It is also aimed for enhancing consistency with the UNFCCC Handbook on NAMAs as well as latest and upcoming decisions and conclusions under the UNFCCC (e.g. on the registration of NAMAs) on this matter. Therefore, this handbook was designed to become a 'living document' aiming to always reflect the latest state-of-play.