Powering agriculture in India: strategies to boost components A and C under PM-KUSUM Scheme
Powering agriculture in India: strategies to boost components A and C under PM-KUSUM Scheme
This study intends to help unlock the potential of two solarisation models - solarisation of rural electricity feeders and solarisation of individual grid-connected pumps - to power India’s irrigation needs. These two models are promoted under components A and C of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Uthhan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) scheme launched by the Government of India in 2019. However, these components have seen only a few takers among the states and power distribution companies (discoms). Based on in-depth consultations with representatives of discoms, state nodal agencies of renewable energy, and private developers and manufacturers across seven Indian states, the study discusses the challenges hindering the components’ uptake and solutions to address the same.