Presidency conclusions of the Brussels European council
Presidency conclusions of the Brussels European council

This text of the Brussels European Council Presidency Conclusions states EU position with regards to the Copenhagen Climate Conference.Says that EU is committed to take a decision to move to a 30% reduction by 2020 compared to 1990 levels, as its conditional offer to a global and comprehensive agreement for the period beyond 2012.
Stressing that the Union needs rapid clarity on its institutional set up in order to be able to function effectively, the European Council looked forward to the rapid completion of the ratification process so that the Treaty enters into force by the end of the year. The European Council
established the position of the EU with regards to the forthcoming Copenhagen Conference on climate change, which will allow the EU to play a constructive role during the final phase of the negotiation, particularly on key issues such as financing, technology transfer, adaptation, mitigation and good governance. The European Council took stock of the economic, financial and employment situation, stressing in particular the need to prepare a coordinated strategy for exiting from broad-based stimulus policies when recovery is secured. It adopted the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, which constitutes an integrated framework to address common challenges. It took stock of progress made on implementing measures regarding illegal immigration and called for further efforts to be made, in particular as concerns the enhancement of FRONTEX. Finally, the European Council addressed the situation in Afghanistan/Pakistan.