Proposed sewage treatment plant at Thiruvananthapuram: initial environmental examination
Proposed sewage treatment plant at Thiruvananthapuram: initial environmental examination
Kerala Sustainable Urban Development Project (KSUDP) has been launched in Kerala with the assistance of Asian Development Bank (ADB) covering 5 major cities in Kerala namely Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kochi, Kozhikode & Thrissur. The 5 cities have been grouped into two packages, namely Package-1
comprising Thiruvananthapuram & Kollam and Package-2 comprising Kochi, Kozhikode & Thrissur. Project components in these cities have been established for implementation through a PPTA study conducted by ADB and the components are picked up from the sector: Water Supply Upgradation; Sewerage System Upgradation including Sewage Treatment Plant; Solid Waste Management Improvement; Storm Water Drainage System Upgradation; Roads Upgradation; Community Infrastructure Development. A comprehensive environmental screening was conducted through Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), during the PPTA study for project formulation. This IEE is an updation of the report submitted along PPTA study and addresses the potential environmental impacts pertaining to the proposed Sewage Treatment Plant at Valiyathura locality in Thiruvananthapuram.