Question raised in Rajya Sabha on adulteration of milk and milk products, 12/05/2015
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on adulteration of milk and milk products, 12/05/2015
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on adulteration of milk and milk products, 12/05/2015. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) had conducted a Nation–wide survey on Milk Adulteration in 2011 through its five Regional Offices. A total of 1791 samples were drawn from 33 states and were tested in the Government laboratories. 68.4% of the samples were found to be non-conforming to the prescribed standards. Out of these samples, in 46.8% samples, milk found to be sub-standard in respect of Fat and Solid Not Fat (SNF) contents. Another 44.69% of the samples (548) in respect of skim milk powder, were found to be non-conforming to the prescribed standards where presence of glucose was detected in 477 samples. A total of 103 samples (5.75%) were found to be adulterated with detergents.