Rapid assessments of the hunger–climate–conflict nexus in Mali, South Sudan and Somalia: first assessment
Rapid assessments of the hunger–climate–conflict nexus in Mali, South Sudan and Somalia: first assessment
This is the first of two rapid assessment reports focusing on severely affected crisis contexts in sub-Saharan Africa. It provides a rapid assessment of crisis-affected populations in Somalia, South Sudan and Mali, to inform and bolster Action Against Hunger's humanitarian programming and interventions. This report covers the findings of interviews and focus group discussions at three sites each in Somalia, South Sudan and Mali, examining the ways in which people’s nutritional status and livelihoods are being impacted by fragility, conflict and climate shocks; household and community coping mechanisms; how existing interventions are reducing hunger and acute malnutrition; and what gaps remain. The report also undertakes a review of existing interventions by Action Against Hunger and other humanitarian, development, peacebuilding and climate change adaptation actors, in order to explore how such interventions are anticipating and mitigating the layered impacts of conflicts, climate and non-climate stressors.