Report on Performance Audit of Disaster Management in Bhutan

The Royal Audit Authority (RAA) of the Bhutan government released its Performance Audit Report on Disaster Management in 2016. The review is confined to activities and operations pertaining to disaster management activities in the country during the past five years. The report contains both positive aspects and deficiencies in disaster management noted by the RAA. The significant findings include: all schools have developed school disaster management plan and contingency plan; the Education in Emergencies (EIE) Unit in MoE has successfully created awareness among school children; the Department of Disaster Management (DDM) has provided Community Based Disaster Risk Management training; the DDM has also created awareness on potential disasters through advocacy and awareness programs; there are inadequate fire safety measures in Dzongs and public buildings; non-establishment of Emergency Operation Centres (EOCs); absence of zonation maps and vulnerability assessment reports; and lack of central database system on disaster management activities.
