Small voices, big dreams 2012: a global survey of children’s hopes, aspirations and fears
Small voices, big dreams 2012: a global survey of children’s hopes, aspirations and fears

One-third of children across the globe are concerned about pollution, and over a quarter of children in India want to participate in afforestation activities reveals this global survey on children's hopes, aspirations and fears by ChildFund Alliance.
One-third of children across the globe are concerned about pollution, and over a quarter of children in India want to participate in afforestation activities, a global survey on children's hopes, aspirations and fears revealed. The Small Voices, Big Dreams survey revealed 27 percent of Indian children, more than the global average of 22 percent, want to contribute to environment by planting more saplings, ChildFund India, part of the NGO ChildFund International, said in a statement. It showed 21 percent of Indian children worried most about lack of sanitation, followed by pollution (17 percent), lack of drinking water (14 percent) and deforestation (11 percent). Another interesting finding of the survey is that children in developed countries dream of becoming professional athletes and entertainers, while children in the developing world aspire to be doctors or teachers. In India, 34 percent want to become teacher or academician, while 25 percent wish to become doctors to serve people. The third annual survey, commissioned by ChildFund Alliance, which is founded by ChildFund International, has interviewed more than 6,200 children in 47 countries, including Afghanistan, India, US, France, Nicaragua, Zambia and Australia.
See Also
Report: Children's action for disaster risk reduction.
Report: India's Child Development Index ranking drops.
Report: The state of the world's children
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Report: Children in India 2012.