Start with water: putting water on local action agendas to support global change
Start with water: putting water on local action agendas to support global change
The World Water Council released the publication titled, ‘Start with Water: Putting Water on Local Action Agendas to Support Global Change.’ It aims to help Local and Regional Authorities preserve water security and sanitation in cities, given future competing challenges. The report provides a background on relevant frameworks, including the: New Urban Agenda; Sustainable Development Goals; Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction; and the Paris Agreement on climate change, among others. The guide then provides eight recommendations for: not leaving anyone behind (equity); removing barriers (water-sensitive national and urban planning); setting fair rules for everyone (legislation and governance); allowing investment for the future (urban water finance); planning for risk; (urban water resilience); building the right skills for the job (capacity in cities); maximizing resources (efficiency); and addressing the gap (sanitation).