Understanding investment, trade, and battery waste management linkages for a globally competitive EV manufacturing sector
Understanding investment, trade, and battery waste management linkages for a globally competitive EV manufacturing sector
This report makes an attempt to comprehend various challenges in trade, investment and battery waste management of EVs in India and identifies diverse solutions to aid India’s EV transition. This summary captures, in brief, the major findings of the larger study aimed towards policy makers, and technology enablers. It discusses detailed stylized facts on trade and tariffs of goods involved in the EV value-chain as well as on investment, addressing regulatory barriers to trade and investment in the EV value-chain and identifying key barriers such as charging infrastructure, supply chain concerns, and skill gaps. At the same time, deliberating on the far end of the EV value chain, the results also focus explicitly on the effective management of EV battery waste. The three critical pillars for battery waste management i.e., technology, employment opportunities, policy and regulations are discussed in detail to draw attention to the crucial role the battery waste sector can play in the economy.