The recent flood in Machak River, Madhya Pradesh, India is a distinctive paradigm of flash floods that washed off rail tracks and killed a number of passengers besides incredible damage to Indian Railways and to the surrounding villages. This shows the vulnerability of bridges/culverts to flash floods in the country. Flash floods devastated the Machak River during the midnight of 4 August 2015 due to heavy rainfall in the catchment.

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This communication discusses quantifying basin-scale water wealth by transformation from the presently adapted basin terminal gauge site run-off aggregation to distributed hydrological modelling approach. In this study, an attempt was made to propose modifications to simple monthly water balance model using time-series land-use grids derived from the temporal remote sensing satellite data to compute run-off at basin scale.

Hydrological modelling of large river catchments is a challenging task for water resources engineers due to its complexity in collecting and handling of both spatial and non-spatial data such as rainfall, gauge discharges, and topographic parameters.