the Madhya Pradesh High Court has ordered closure of 1,712 illegal mines in the state. Of these mines operating without the approval of the state pollution control board, 253 are extracting major minerals and 1,459, minor minerals. The court asked the state

This book is an attempt to document all the complexities of mining. While, it is true that mining is essential, it is not a simple 'dig and sell' proposition for a country like India. Its challenges are immense.

Reducing chlorine use in paper industry

Concrete Facts is the result of an exhaustive two year effort to rate the cement industry. It details the industry's ecological challenges and rates how well Indian companies address them. Companies are benchmarked against global best practices at each stage of the life cycle - from mining to use of waste materials. Ratings also cover water and energy use, technology, dust emissions, and corporate social responsibility. The book also details the economic performance of the companies and sees how socially responsibly these blue-chip companies are.