The 17th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change met in Durban in December 2011. Negotiations were heated and acrimonious, as the world desperately searched for new ways to avoid the toughest of questions—how to drastically reduce emissions to keep the world somewhat within safe levels and how to do this while ensuring equity. With uneasy answers, the easy solution was to push the world to another round of messy negotiations for a new treaty, protocol or legal instrument or something like that.

This book is an attempt to document all the complexities of mining. While, it is true that mining is essential, it is not a simple 'dig and sell' proposition for a country like India. Its challenges are immense.

Climate change. Two words which hold, between them, some of the most complex as well as vigorously debated issues of all times. Changing Climates, a four part series produced by the Television Trust for the Environment TVE in association with the World

Changing Currents six films, 26 minute each produced by TVE International 2003 English

Humankind faces the most prolonged and worst exposure to pollution within the four walls of its homes indoors where biomass combustion spells a quiet doom for millions. Surprisingly, most research has chosen to ignore this problem in favour of the mor

The software giant rides high on the success of Windows 95