Oozing of groundwater in Jodhpur city in the desert area of Rajasthan, India has caused weakening of foundations and cellars of buildings and shops. It has become more significant since 1996 when Kaylana lake was connected with Rajiv Gandhi Lift Canal (RGLC) water supply and filling of the lake had started. This has resulted in fear among dwellers about any future calamity. The hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopic studies clearly indicated that the lake water is responsible for the oozing phenomenon in the area.

This article describes the estimation of natural recharge and determination of aquifer parameters of a watershed located in coastal belt around Tuticorin town, Tamil Nadu, India, using radioactive tracer and pumping test methods. Recharge measurements were made at several spots to weathered gneiss, shale limestone, quartzite and coastal alluvium formations using tritium injection technique.

The distribution trends of trace elements over North and South Krishna delta were examined in relation to fresh-, brackish- and saline-water zonations. Strontium and boron have shown significant variations in fresh-, brackish- and saline-water environment. Strontium has shown a variation from 23 to 1500 mg/l in freshwater, 1650 to 2760 mg/l in brackish water and