Three Himalaya glaciers have been shrinking over the last 40 years due to global warming and two of them, located in humid regions and on lower altitudes in central and east Nepal, may disappear in

Liver cancers are embedded with a type of super cancer stem cells that make them resistant to chemotherapy, spread to other body parts and stage a comeback even after they are surgically removed, researchers in Hong Kong reported on Thursday.

The discovery, published this week in the journal Cell Stem Cell, is important because it means experts can target these stem cells in their fight against

Air pollution in major cities in Asia exceeds the World Health Organisation's (WHO) air quality guidelines and toxic cocktails result in more than 530,000 premature deaths a year, according to a new report issued on Tuesday.

Issued by the U.S.-based Health Effects Institute, the study found that elderly people with cardiopulmonary and other chronic illnesses were especially vulnerable and they

China is to help sub-Saharan Africa tackle schistosomiasis, also known as snail fever, a disease that kills some 280,000 Africans each year, by improving treatment of human waste and perhaps even replacing water buffalo with tractors.

Management of excrement is important to control the disease as it is caused by worms, called schistosoma, that are shed in stools and end up in irrigation drains,