At first sight, two humans may seem to differ enormously. But looks can be misleading. Among animals, humans make up an unusual group. All humans belong to the same species Homo sapiens, meaning wise human . Technically, this implies we can exchange ou

Two events separated by one hundred years mark scientific revolutions that symbolise, more than anything else, the web of life. The first event was the publication of Charles Darwin s The Origin of Species in 1859. In this book Darwin pointed out that lif

The man who chipped away at every presumption that defined evolutionary science

Stanley Prusiner, winner of the 1997 Nobel prize for medicine, devoted two decades of research to answer this question

about 65 million years ago the dinosaurs, at that time the dominant animals, became extinct probably because of the secondary consequences of a meteorite impact suffered by the earth. The mammals,

Thirty five years ago, a renowned British biologist branded England "a criminal state" and migrated to India. Today, in the year of his birth centenary, J B S Haldane is remembered as a scientist who could develop a complex quantitative theory of evolutio