Under the Tsunami Rehabilitation Programme supported by the KSCSTE, KFRI planted Casuarina and other tree species in a strip of 32 km length along the coastal areas of Thrissur District to establish a bio-shield.

Wildlife casualities were reported due to train accidents from many locations in India. In this paper an attempt has been made to analyse the reasons for elephant deaths due to accidents involving passenger trains in the railway track between Palghat and Coimbatore (Kerala-Tamil Nadu border).

Global warming is one of the most devastating problems of the new millennium. The Kyoto Protocol is the first step towards an international strategy to limit greenhouse gas emissions which in turn helps to mitigate the global climate change. A decision was made in Marrakech Conference of Parties (2001), to include the afforestation and reforestation as the only eligible activities of the CDM.

In Kerala, the homestead farming is the most prevalent type of land use system covering about 88% of the total landholding and about 41% of the total cultivable area of the state.