The restarting of the second 1,000 MW nuclear power unit at Kudankulam belonging to Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd is expected to happen during November second week
At 27.9 lakh, India’s TB incidence in 2016 was down marginally from the previous year’s 28.4 lakh. The number of TB-related deaths was 4.35 lakh. down 15% from 5.17 lakh.
In 2012, then Environment Minister Jayanthi Natarajan overruled the views of the expert members of the NBWL standing committee and granted it wildlife clearance.
Under the scheme, vehicles with the registration number ending with an even number are allowed on roads on an even date while those ending in odd number are allowed on odd dates.
The Environment Ministry has nominated 36 officers from different states and asked the state forest departments to ensure that “they are relieved in time” for the course.