NAGPUR: Change in norms by Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) has deprived over 300 solar power consumers of central government subsidy.

Nagpur: With the aim to improve the city's air quality, a local-level committee has been formed to prepare an action plan for prevention and control of air pollution in Nagpur.

Nagpur: Young students from across the city were enlightened about their social responsibilities towards nature by Lord Nicholas Stern, a world-famous economist who is also an environmentalist, fro

Nagpur: "It is unfortunate that commercial interests supersede environmental interests," said Maheep Gupta, chief conservator of forests (CCF), on Tuesday.

Nagpur: Five more were tested positive for swine flu, taking the total tally of those infected to 10.

Nagpur: The Forest Advisory Committee (FCA), the topmost body under MoEFCC considering forest land diversion proposals, has recommended diversion of 141.99 hectares forest land near Nagzira for Ada

This budget came as a mixed bag for forest and environment sector. Amid some let-downs, big boost to solar energy became the silver lining.

"With depleting conventional sources, the need for alternative and renewable sources of energy is increasing day by day.

Nagpur: Last few budgets saw a huge difference between deeds and words of central government when it came to environment and wildlife conservation.

The Himalayas hold a rich natural heritage with diverse flora and fauna enhancing the beauty of the region.The Himalayas hold a rich natural heritage with diverse flora and fauna enhancing the beau
