VISHAKHAPATNAM: While India has been recently abuzz with the news of actress Sonali Bendre’s high grade cancer, which has metastasized (spread to other organs) from its point of origin (which has n
Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd, a 100 per cent subsidiary of Tata Power, has commissioned a 100 MW (50 MW x 2) solar capacity at Anthapuramu Solar Park, Andhra Pradesh.
AMARAVATI: Andhra Pradesh would be the first 100% LED state in the country by January 2019, said minister for panchayat raj, rural development and information technology, Nara Lokesh.
Vijayawada: Stating that AP is going to become the seed hub of the country, agriculture minister Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy observed that producing the global standard quality seed will be high o