Caged Cruelty Animals have a right to freedom, even if they are in zoos. At an animal park in Java, investigators found an orang utan kept in a concrete cage with garbage inside. In Bali, a pig

Here are 18 steps to deal with monkeys that enter human habitation areas. They do not involve killing them

- Study the number of groups of monkeys present in the area. - Study where these groups sleep at night and their favourite feeding areas. - Locate a forest with good number of wild fruiting

Coping with the nuisanceof urban monkeys may be beyond human patience. But shooting or declaring them pests will not serve the problem. Only a rational conservation programme can help save monkeys and keep our age old veneration for them inact

Rice lands release up to 14 per cent of the world's methane emissions that cause global warming. Now, Philippine-based International Rice Research Institute (irri) is studying ways to reduce methane

a ban on fur imports from the us has been called off by the European Union (eu) after accepting an assurance from Washington to phase out steel-jawed leghold traps, used in catching animals,

WEALTHY Arabs, who angered environmentalists in India for hunting the rare Great Indian Bustard, have touched Tanzanian wildlife experts in the raw for allegedly using automatic weapons to mow down

Through the centuries, human beings have tried to establish their dominance over animals, killing them for both food and sport. Even today, animals continue to be exploited in the name of scientific research.

Animals were tried and punished just like human beings in medieval Europe.

IT WAS a strange case of politicians taking out their venom on snakes. Angry CPM workers in Kerala vandalised and set fire to the Parassinikkadavu Snake Park in Kannur. The reason for the wanton
