Owing to the poor response to optional animal dissection, the CBSE has banned animal dissection in secondary schools with immediate effect

According to an estimate of US-based National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), around 48,000 turtles are caught every year on shrimp trawlers in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. All the five

the World's largest animal rights organisation, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (peta), has warned that it would launch "a poten

Activists fighting to halt the use of animals for testing have succeeded partially

Similarities between the two US agreements with India and China

the furore triggered by the inter

An action plan is being worked out by the Indian leather industry to prevent cruelty to animals. This has been conveyed to the US-based non-government organisation (NGO) People for Ethical Treatment

Three US retail chains drop sale of Indian leather. Reason: cruel killing of animals in India

Is there an alternative to guinea pigs in laboratory testing? Two members of the scientific community give their views

Pachyderms in Jalpaiguri district are dying due to poisoning
