Nigeria sues Tobacco company: The Nigerian government has filed a lawsuit in the High Court of Abuja against tobacco companies British-American Tobacco, Philip Morris International and

>> On April 16, the Anti-vivisection League, an animal rights group in Italy, asked Pope Benedict to stop wearing fur as a sign of respect for the "sacredness of all living species'. The Pope

Snail's habitat A court battle over an endangered West Coast snail is being heard by the Christchurch High Court, New Zealand. The lawsuit filed by anti-mining group Powelliphanta Augustus

• Animal rights activists are up in arms over a Halloween contest in New York which offers customers free entry if they eat a live Madagascar hissing cockroach. The People for the Ethical

Hunter hunted: One of Cambodia's most infamous wildlife hunters has been sentenced to seven years imprisonment for trapping and killing over 600 animals, many endangered. Earlier, much concern had

The tiger occupies a hallowed seat in India. Ecologists believe that millions of small ecological processes live out their routine lives under its majestic awn. But the picture gets muddled with the entry of another god: the human. The tiger has to now co

Rajasthan s camel population has reduced dramatically during the last ten years. The Pali, Rajasthan based non governmental organisation Lokhit Pashu Palak Sansthan undertook a month long tour to investigate the situation

Can peace be ensured by sacrificing animals? Nepal's King Gyanendra thought it could and in doing so invited the wrath of animal activists. After he offered animal sacrifices at temples in Guwahati

Recent deer deaths reveal the vulnerability of animals even in their natural habitat

Caged Cruelty Animals have a right to freedom, even if they are in zoos. At an animal park in Java, investigators found an orang utan kept in a concrete cage with garbage inside. In Bali, a pig
