India's cancer cases could increase by 12% in the next five years projects the National Cancer Registry Programme Report 2020, released by the Indian Council of Medical Research and the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research (ICMR). The country will have 13.9 lakh cancer cases in 2020, which will increase to 15.7 lakh by 2025. 

Under a set of revised guidelines, institution managements are also asked to ensure that no tobacco product is sold inside premises and in an area within 100 yards of such.

Previous efforts to report estimates of cancer incidence and mortality in India and its different parts include the National Cancer Registry Programme Reports, Sample Registration System cause of death findings, Cancer Incidence in Five Continents Series, and GLOBOCAN. We present a comprehensive picture of the patterns and time trends of the burden of total cancer and specific cancer types in each state of India estimated as part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2016 because such a systematic compilation is not readily available.

While lifestyle-related cancers saw a universal increase from 2006 to 2016, several cancers from infectious causes – including cervical and stomach cancers – decreased over the same time period finds this global study published in the journal "'ONCOLOGY"

Vijay Tiwari, 56, a leading gutkha manufacturer, began chewing a lethal mixture of tobacco, betel nut, and palm nut at 12 during tasting sessions at his factory.

Tobacco kills almost 7 million people across the world every year and nearly a million of them are not even smokers.

NEW DELHI: Most of the 2,700-odd people who will die in the next 24 hours in India due to cancer caused by smoking and other tobacco products tried to quit but failed and were living their last day

JAIPUR: One who smokes might not be aware that tobacco is the single most preventable cause of cancer. Health experts say that if tobacco is eliminated, 30-40% cases of cancer can be prevented.

PATNA: The food safety wing of state health department has extended the ban on the manufacture, sales and distribution of products containing tobacco and nicotine for one more year with effect from

PATNA: The state tobacco control coordination committee (STCCC) on Monday decided to recruit state and district level officers in tobacco control cells under the National Tobacco Control Programme
