The Supreme Court on Friday suspended all mining operations in the Bellary district of Karnataka with immediate effect, a day after state Lokayukta Santosh Hegde submitted a damning report that has forced the state chief minister BS Yeddyurappa to resign.
Iron and steel manufacturers in South India, who are facing severe shortage of raw materials, will be ‘totally devastated’ with a complete halt on mining, said industry sources.
The Supreme Court on Friday dealt a blow to illegal mining by ordering suspension of all mining activities in Karnataka’s Bellary district with immediate effect.
The Supreme Court on Friday directed the suspension of all mining operations and transportation in an area admeasuring approximately 10,868 hectares in Bellary district of Karnataka till further orders.
Bangalore : While the Lokayukta’s first report dealt with the origins of the illegal mining industry and the extent of illegal mining in the Bellary Hospet Sandur (BHS) region, the final report clearly delineates the modus operandi of the politician-miner-transporter nexus in illegal mining.
Bangalore: Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde has said he has no doubt that his final report on illegal mining that is said to indict Chief Minister Yeddyurappa and four Cabinet ministers, will meet the same fate as the interim report that was ignored by the State government.