The Gujarat high court on Tuesday ordered a stay on all construction activities at the Nirma Ltd's upcoming cement plant in Mahuva Taluka of Bhavnagar district while hearing a petition by farmers opposing it.

In a setback for genetically engineered cotton, Monsanto, innovator of the strain, confirmed what sceptics had said might well happen, that the pests it was supposed to resist better than natural cotton would also innovate.

Priscilla Jebaraj

Firm asks farmers to switch to its second-generation product to delay resistance further

Pink bollworm resistant to pest-killing protein of Bt cotton in four districts

Monsanto's advice ridiculous, say scientists

New Delhi: In what is bound to strengthen environment minister Jairam Ramesh

Vijaysinh Parmar | TNN

Wildlife lovers have a reason to cheer. For, a recent population count of blackbucks in Velavadar Black Buck National Park(BBNP) has reported a 10 per cent increase in its number, which was once down to as low as 200 in the region.

Letter to Governor of Gujarat against Advocate General of the State of Gujarat for his continuous professional misconduct and immoral and unethical practices, including his relationship with Nirma Ltd.

Letter to MOEF by villagers against grant of environmental clearance to Cement Plant (Cement Plant 1.91 MTPA: 1.50 Clinkar), Coke Oven Plant (1.5 LTPA) and Captive Power Plant (50 MW) of M/s. Nirma Ltd, near Village Padhiyarka, Taluka Mahuva, District Bhavnagar, Gujarat.

Himanshu Kaushik | TNN

Ahmedabad: The first lion census after the poaching incidents of 2007, will be held in the peak of summer in April this year and for the first time will cover at least four districts, the area estimated as the lion spread since the last census of 2005.

Himanshu Kaushik | TNN

Sasan (Gir): With the lion census due this year, the forest department in coordination with the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) will study the corridor movement of the lions.

Vijaysinh Parmar | TNN

Ramji Bamnia, the head of a 14-member family and farmer of Khared village in Mahuva taluka on coastal area of Bhavnagar district is going to harvest the second crop of this season on his 8-acre agricultural land. Thanks to the earlier harvest, he earns Rs 400 per day by selling his farm
