The Himalayas hold a rich natural heritage with diverse flora and fauna enhancing the beauty of the region.The Himalayas hold a rich natural heritage with diverse flora and fauna enhancing the beau

Pune: The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) along with Wetlands International is organizing Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) to count waterbirds all over India.

Kendrapada: Altogether 2,470 weaver birds were spotted in the state during a one-day census carried out by the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) with the help of Wild Odisha and Kalinga Birds-O

Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Minister Uma Bharati has threatened to go on a hunger strike if concerns for tigers and vultures come in the way of linking two rivers that

New wetland rules are a much watered-down version of the 2010 norms , which could make identification and conservation of such ecosystems more difficult, if notified.

NAVI MUMBAI: Amid the picturesque environs of Raigad district, vultures are flapping their wings as their numbers are slowing spiralling since 2001.

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has recently issued notices to the ministries of environment, water resources, and health, asking for their comments on microbeads found in personal care products.

The chirping of the sparrow may have got quieter by the passing day, but there is no reliable data on their figures in the country so far, experts said on World Sparrow Day on Sunday.

NAGPUR: A new bird species, which is common in the eastern Himalayas but was overlooked till now, has been identified.

There are different categories of activists- some are selfless and voluntary in their activism, while others love to do the act of activism for the sake of earning their ‘minute of fame’ in the arc
