NAGPUR: In a bid to know connectivity of large carnivores at landscape level, the wildlife wing of the Maharashtra forest department has approved a mega project on scat DNA analysis of tigers, leop

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal (Central Zonal Bench, Bhopal) in the matter of Jahangeer Ali Vs Union of India & Others dated 04/04/2014 regarding cutting of trees in the cutting of trees in the Reserved Forest area, District Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh and also the relocation and rehabilitation of villagers displaced from Bori Wildlife Sanctuary of Satpura Tiger Reserve, District Hoshangabad as per the provisions under Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.

Madhya Pradesh, once famous as the “Tiger State,” lost 453 animals over the last decade. And how many culprits did the government bring to book? Just two. Recently accessed documents reveal only two cases of poaching reached their logical conclusion of conviction during this period, as of March 2012.

Sample the facts: according to the conservation programme ‘Project Tiger', the population of big cats in Madhya Pradesh in 2001-02 stood at 710. However, the 2011 census revealed there were only 257 tigers left in its six reserves — Bandhavgarh, Kanha, Panna, Bori-Satpura, Sanjay Dubri and Pench.